Loon Lake Organizations

FRIENDS OF LOON LAKE LIBRARY: President Holly Shamberger, hshamberger46@gmail.com. Book sales are every first Friday & Saturday of every month in Springdale. Like us on Facebook - Friends of Loon Lake Library!!


LOON LAKE LAKE MANAGEMENT DISTRICT (LLLMD): President Lee Evans, 509-233-0179, lgevans@spocom.com. Meetings are the second Monday monthly, 6:30 p.m. March through October.


LOON LAKE HISTORICAL SOCIETY (LLHS): President De Pelan, www.loonlakehistoricalsociety.com


LOON LAKE LAND CONSERVANCY (LLLC): President MJ Lovell, loonlakeconservancy@gmail.com, and www.loonlakelandconservancy.org.


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